Sunday, December 15, 2013

"Technology Integration Plan"

          Anthony Saraceni's Spreadsheet (7th grade English)
           I used a 7th grade lesson plan on Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” for my Integration Technology Plan. This lesson plan has the objective of giving students the tools to deciphering between a comedy and a tragedy. Discussions and activities are the backbone of this lesson plan. Technology is needed and allows for this lesson to be fully understood.  During the process of my Integration Technology Plan I noticed how frequent technology is integrated into the simplest of plans.
            As Dr. Domine states, “A precursor to technology integration is achieving the widest possible repertoire of instructional media technologies available.”(Domine, 99) I took it upon myself to try and gather all other ideas before introducing the technology I was going to use. As this process began my spreadsheet started emerging row by row. I began to decide how I was going to “ACCESS” this lesson. I will have each student read the selected scene from the play the night before. I will reread aloud with the class for those who have not read or may have been lost during. I would email each student a copy of the selected scene to introduce technology to him or her prior to this lesson. During the reading of the scene I will have the lines I am reading visible on the smart board. As I finish the reading, I will introduce a class discussion. I will open the floor to any questions or concerns that may be present. During this time I will go line by line on the smart board dissecting each line as a group.
            Once the scene is understood I will move to the “PRODUCE” row of my spreadsheet. I will break the class in to small groups of 3-5 students. They will have a few days to recreate this scene. During class time I will show reenactments of this scene on the smart board. I will show movie adaptations, and theoretical performances. The students will have the option to give a live performance, or record themselves after class-time. As each performance is finished they will have to then upload the finished video to You Tube.
            After a few days it is now time for an audience to be introduced. The class will watch each performance in its’ entirety. This will direct you to the row on my matrix marked “PARTICIPATE/COMMUNICATE”. As a class we will verbalize and discuss the performances after each group has presented. I will introduce literary terms during each discussion. A guided sheet for taking notes will be given before each presentation. This sheet will help promote confidence during the peer discussions. Google Docs and Email are listed under technology. Each student will have to either email one group, or submit a Google Docs that will carry the classroom discussion to personalized feedback. The students will tell a specific group how the performance helped or hurt his or her understanding of comedy in Shakespeare. After the digital feedback is distributed it is time to see where we have come since day one.
            For now it is time for documented evidence to emerge as row “EVALUATE” shows. During this process rubrics will be handed out for each student to look over. They will see what aspects are expected while both understanding and demonstrating a comedic performance. A short paragraph with a few examples of performances that have helped understand aspects of a comedic performance will be documented. This will be hand written. Also, a blank document will be given to each student on a computer. They will fill in a self-reflective version for his or her performance on Microsoft Excel.
            Finally, the class will be accountable for, and “ANALYZE” the lesson in its’ entirety. Each student will be given a blue book. At this time they will have a few open-ended questions to answer. Showcasing the literary terms they have unpacked during this lesson. Students will describe commonalities in Shakespearean comedies. After the exam I will have each student get back into the same groups they stared with. I will ask each group to create a short Power Point presentation that showcases everything they have learned about comedy (focusing on literary devices used).
            This final activity will show how we came one step closer to analyzing Shakespeare. During the last row they need to collaborate through email and combine slides to a Power Point. They will conduct this power point showing off what they have learned. This final presentation will showcase all they have learned during this lesson. 

"Interactive Free Write"

            Blog-posts are creative ways to adapt the free write. The free writing that takes place with a writing implement can spark many ideas in a student. In the English classroom free writing often is the first step when beginning any form of writing. Essays, poems, even journal entries can all stem from one single free write. An advantage needs to be taken as a keyboard or a laptop become more comforting to students. A free write may feel tedious to some.
            As a future English educator in the middle and high school levels I am aware of the vulnerability. Each student is dealing with personal issues and distractions both inside and outside the classroom. Opening a page for students to vent or generate ideas could only benefit an English classroom. Giving options for the posts made to be public or private can vary. Allowing the student to choose whether (s)he wishes to blog is vital.
            Giving freedom and decision making to a 7th grader can invite the feeling of trust. Once trust is built a blog page can become a new sanctuary for students. They can vent. They can begin a thought process. They can simply flaunt a new idea. Each post will build the creativity of all who take part. The author of the post, the student reading the post, and the teacher reading the post all will be enlightened. Ideas will build. Conversations may begin that allow for a lesson to fully take off. One post left the night before a lesson could shape the outcome of the entire marking period.
            Yes, a wiki-page or comment-page can be a danger zone for cyber bullying. That is why the feeling of monitored entries must be enforced. The student must know that the teacher is capable to view any and all post. There always will be a downside to many strategies and tools used. It is the responsibility of the educator to build respect. Allow the student to gain and give respect. Through this process the online posting can change the world of the free write.

"Do Not Waste Technological Advances"

            Many schools have classrooms equipped with smart boards. Just because the technology is there does not make it responsible to overuse it. If the lesson or activity does not call for the technology then as an educator you must be aware. An English classroom allows for many opportunities to write on a board. The need to always use the smart board may cause distraction. Smart boards come equipped with speakers, easy touch capability, and computer accessibility. When notes are placed on the board the technology of the smart board may just over compensate.
            As a future educator I hope to have the luxury of having a smart board inside my room. I will use it every day. I would use it every second, only if the lesson truly benefitted from the capabilities of the smart board. I have seen teachers us a smart board to write “Do Nows” all marking period. Why waste time if the technology is not being used to the full potential. The smart board could be used much more effectively in the English classroom.
            For example the ability to project what is on a computer screen and edit this with markers could turn a grammar lesson into an exciting activity. Poems, sentences, and paragraphs can quickly be changed for the entire class to see. Images can connect lines of poetry to the intended metaphor. Literal statements can battle with figurative lines of verse. The smart board allows for quick change and clean change. A simple poem can be marked up then instantly removed of all markings. A poem that is being read can now be heard from the original author as a sound clip plays behind what is shown on the board.
            Though these examples are vague, the possibilities are endless. A “Do Now” should be seen on a smart board. A “Do Now” should never be the only thing a teacher uses this technology for.


            A few forms of technology are becoming minimally read as e-readers become more and more popular. Both magazines and newspapers are falling off inside the worlds of academics. Even though many of these are accessible from the e-reader. I subscribe to the “ALAN REVIEW”. This is a magazine that literally stands for the assembly on literature for adolescents of the national council of teachers of English. Books, novels, and canonical texts are extremely important. But magazines can influence a changing demographic.
            The “ALAN REVIEW” introduces new YAL to readers. It consists of articles written by both educators and students. Arguments are made within this magazine. Questions are asked. Most importantly, as each page is read a new idea is delivered to the reader.
            Having such text available in the English classroom can demand staying current. This magazine in comprised for the English and Literature classroom. Ideas can’t just be searched for on Google. Ideas need to be thought about and or explored. Having a magazine within the classroom that introduces such topics will only benefit the student. The educators who take advantage of the world of magazines will also benefit.            
            In a recent edition of ALAN one of the articles was entitled “Sports as an Entry Point in Literature”. (Matt De La Pena) For three short pages the author gives tips on how to strike the interest of the sports fan. How can an educator attempt to connect the world of sport and the world of literature? In this very article maybe a student has read this and felt he or she can now relate to texts. They can now find ways to draw connections to other interests they have outside the classroom.
            Educators must not fear using technology that has been around for centuries. There are specific reasons magazines are still being published. This specific magazine enlightens literature for adolescents. What other magazines are being looked over? These magazines need to be of access inside the classroom.

"All you need is Chalk"

            One of the most essential pieces of technology is often used for placing homework assignments or today’s date. The chalkboard/whiteboard is the largest tool seen inside most English classrooms. As any student enters a room usually their attention is drawn to the board. They are looking for upcoming assignments or deadlines. A large clean board allows for a blank space to be filled. An empty board is a tool, an important tool. Some classrooms even have multiple boards for the teacher to use.
            As a future educator I can respect what I have learned as a current student. Writing on the board for a student is a fun and engaging activity. Using the board to create a word wall is a perfect way to introduce a poetry lesson. If the lesson is on metaphor the instructor can have each student write a word that reminds him or her of a certain topic. As the board fills the students read each entry. Now it is time to create a poem without using any of the words written, but on the exact topic that each word represents. This one small activity has now directed an entire lesson. The only technology needed was chalk/markers and a board. This board has filled the room with words and ideas produced from the minds of the students.
            The board did not need batteries. The board did not need to be restarted. With one simple erase this tool was ready to engage. Inside the English classroom the board will enhance the learning environment. There is a reason the board remains relevant. The importance is often looked over by the convenience of the board. The idea of the board is as subtle as having a door on every classroom. The board promotes opportunities to create. It is a canvas to place ideas for the entire room to see. With this technological tool possibilities of education are multiplied. Though the slateboard was introduced hundreds of years ago, it is still relevant inside education.

"Internet Videos inside the English Classroom"

            Inside any classroom YouTube can be an enormous distraction. Unless this website is used correctly, and academically by both the teacher, and the student. Many benefits can come from the proper use of YouTube during a lesson. So man performances, movie clips, and poetry reading are broadcasted on this website.
            Inside the English classroom many times Shakespeare is absolutely feared by students. Any age level can and will struggle with reading Shakespeare. Reading the text line for line is not the only step of fully being able to understand each play. YouTube gives the teacher access to many performances. During a lesson on Shakespeare video clips of specific scenes can be streamed. This stream can happen directly in the classroom. The teacher will have this at his or he fingertips. They will be able to access this whenever the discussion or lesson needs this assistance.
            More importantly YouTube is portable. Smart devices, televisions, and computers all have access to YouTube. This allows for students to gain access outside the classroom. Shakespeare and live poetry can be viewed in the comfort of the student’s home. During a paper he or she may watch actual performers acting out each scene. Questions of emotion, and or point of view will be shown to the student. YouTube allows for the student to pause and rewind. The student will be able to become familiar with a specific visual from the play. This will add one more tool to deliver the information to the student.
            Yes, there are inaccurate videos posted on YouTube. Yes, the need to watch “cat” videos is always provoking the viewer. However, this website needs to be used inside the classroom. More importantly it needs to be used inside the English classroom. This can benefit most discussions held. Shakespeare was only one small example. Any lesson can have video support. Most of the support can be found on this website. It is the responsibility of the teacher to use YouTube responsibly. Show the students how they can benefit from typing inside the video search bar.

"Shutting off the Lights"

            During a recent mini lesson I understood the importance of showing films in class. I was helping a 6th grade student with the novel holes. After he finished the novel we were having a “book-club” discussion. Going over the characters and getting the plot sorted out. After we were able to understand out the plot, it was easier to uncover thematic tropes. I realized the movie version would be so beneficial for beginning this lesson.
            Novels may introduce fear into the student. Maybe during the reading they skimmed and or skipped a few chapters. Showing the film adaptation can only benefit. The students will be able to see that characters they have spent a few hundred pages with come to life on a screen. Following the plot may become easier if the movie stays true to the text. Commonalities between the movie and the text will only benefit a classroom setting.
            Also, if the text and movie differ this too is a plus. Discussions on changes the movie has made can enhance classroom discussions. Choices the director has made can introduce students to cinematic terms. A lesson that was based on a novel now has become a lesson that integrated film to the students. Popular actors can invite the students to take more liking to the novel. Even book covers that use the movie poster can influence the student to choose a particular novel.
            Many may feel showing DVDs and movies may take away from class time. Yes, some may checkout once the lights go off and the movie begins to play. There is the same risk of loosing the same number of students during a regular class discussion. Guided notes may help to keep the students engaged. Showing movies in the English and or any classroom will help connect a lesson to popular culture.

Friday, December 13, 2013

"Importance of Proofreading"

            Spell-check has changed since it was first introduced to the world of word processing. Everyone has fallen victim to depending on spell check. For myself I type freely. I never have a fear of hitting the incorrect key, because in the end spell-check will fix my mistakes. As a future educator I know modern technology is making spelling easier to be corrected. Phones, email, and word processors all come equipped with “autocorrect”. Students need to feel comfort when away from this advance in technology. Spell-check only fixes misspelled words. At times it may even assume the word was another word. In the middle and high school level students need to be able to proofread their assignments.
            As any student finishes a paper he or she clicks the “spelling & grammar” key. Once all these corrections are made he or she is satisfied with the finished product. We all have fallen into this trap. For graduation to my community college we needed to type an essay. Spell-check was turned off. This made me slow my thoughts. I proofread carefully. I made sure that each word was properly chosen. The process for writing became much more natural at this point.
            As an aspiring educator I want build the importance of proofreading. I want my students to use spell-check, not abuse it. I want them to feel spell-check is only the first step of proofreading his or her own text. I don’t want them to take their first draft and hit spell-check and call that a revision. It is important for any class. I will be responsible for the English class. This does not mean I wont take responsibility how my future students proofread work in any and all other classes. Professional emails, acceptance letters, and mid-term essays should all be given more respect than a simple click of a computer key.
            My goal will be to have my students want to produce a stronger essay. I want them to take pride in what they create. If they won’t take the time to read it more than once then why should anyone else?

"The comforting Beanbag"

            Smart Phones, Smart Boards, and computers are all an arm length away of many future educators. The word technology has been uttered and always relates to electronics. At first sight or thought of technology many people begin the conversation with the new “gadget”. I noticed something during a recent conversation I had with a 7th grade language arts teacher. Her room had IPads, a smart board, and multiple computers. Aside from these advances she drew our conversation to three specific areas of her room.
            Among these areas were three small carpets. Each carpet had a beanbag-chair and a bookshelf. Each of these stations was designated for silent reading. Not a sound was allowed to come from these stations. It was up to the students when they wished to use these stations. This made my mind go off on a tangent.
            As I thought about the room I instantly thought about the age of the students. They are figuring out who they are. Students in the middle school level are willing to challenge any form of authority. They feel they are trapped in a panopticon where they are monitored and restricted. The desks they sit in are where they are expected to stay. Freedom from these desks introduces liberation and rebellion to these students. Not all technology needs to have a battery. These stations have beanbags. The beanbags are a form of technology associated with leisure and comfort. They allow for relaxation to occur. Inside a classroom small efforts and ideas can build the environment we as educators are attempting to create.
            As I stated in an earlier post, technology can be as simple as a pen. Technology in the classroom can also be as comforting as a beanbag. Through these minor changes to a classroom an educator can build that safe environment for the student. A desk is a good way to keep peace within a classroom. Once that respect is built the student can now feel the liberation of treating that classroom as a shared place. Subtleties in technology allow for creativity to progress these ideas.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Collaboration Canvas"

     This week allowed for one more exciting experience with PLAYground. I chose Gregory Henao’s canvas “Introduction to a unit plan on Trees in Nature and Art". The naturalist literary time period came straight to my mind. I found that this would lend an opportunity for cross content collaboration. I noticed that in Gregory’s original canvas he was focusing on trees. He shows how trees are depicted in nature. I allowed his original canvas to challenge my ability to connect Art with English.
       Many additions were made. The images I added varied. They were titles and covers of stories. Each of these stories was written during the Naturalist time period. Each of these images was relatable to trees and nature in some way. I felt as though students could read and connect the lesson on tress in art to the naturalist lesson in English. The images added all relate to nature. The images connect both canvases, and integrated smoothly.
       Also, I added two videos. Both of these videos served as introductory videos. One of which was full of images of nature. This video would better connect both content areas for the expected students. Links to the actual short stories were added as well. These links will be used for students to see the nature on the page. This will give them the opportunity to create images of nature through words. PLAYground canvases are highly recommended. I will continue to experiment and perfect my ability to use them.                 
Canvas Remix  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

"Unit Plan Canvas"

     I have used “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” to create my first ever canvas. I was able to add multiple videos, pictures, and supplementary text to support my lesson. These additions were not fillers. The process felt pure. I wasn’t adding videos and pictures to fill space. Each video and picture supported my lesson.

     Using the playground canvas for the first time was an absolute pleasant experience. As the creation began so to did the fun. The entire process was both new and exciting for me. Something as small as adding tags was exciting. Each step was different and a learning opportunity for me. Using this canvas to generate a more creative lesson plan opened my professional mind. In the future (starting immediately) I will continue to work with this new tool. I had an absolute blast with it. I could only imagine being a student and opening one of these before a lesson begins. These can generate and influence the creativity in so many ways. The creation of the canvas was simple and challenging enough to continue to be a fulfilling experience each time I use it. Link to my "Canvas"

Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Technology & Pedagogy"

            As I searched through the lesson plans poetry was on my mind. As I furthered my search I noticed the overwhelming opportunities to use Shakespeare. Using Shakespeare allows for poetry and drama to combine. I felt as though when thinking about acting out a play, or writing poetry the use of technological advances are forgotten. Yes this art form was created with little modern day technologies. This does not mean plays do not need modern day technology to engage directly with the students.
            The goals within this lesson were simple. The lesson was generated to allow the students to be able to decipher from a comedic and tragic performance. The lesson called for these students to be able to notice the different qualities that separated these two forms of plays. These curriculum goals were gapped by use of technology. The teacher was solely relying on the ability of the students to grab the text and act out the lines. Adding additional forms of the text would allow for these students to better understand how to fully engage each scene expected.
            As though Shakespeare wasn’t feared enough, these students could not be thrown into the lion’s den with little to rely on. You tube videos and clips of Hollywood movies were added in my revision. Showing clips of modern day actors will draw a common ground on this topic. The literacy needed to both act out, and listen to these scenes must be built. Using newer versions of the text on a screen allow for these students to engage in the text. In English class the text can be more than enough. For this activity it is obvious more is needed. Though the text should be bale to be fully understood by the students they need a comfortable starting point.
Anthony Saraceni's Spreadsheet

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"Starting with a Pen"

            The pen allows for freedom. I feel as though staying away from the structured essay early in the marking period is beneficial. Taking an instrument as simple as the pen allows for freedom to generate ideas. Free writes, short blurbs, and journal entries allow the mind to wander. The structured and dreaded five-paragraph essay, or perfect “abab” poem forces form over thought.
            Taking such a basic, but revolutionary form of technology and giving it the ability to work freely in the students’ hands will generate creativity. Gracefully inviting the pen to the paper is a classroom exercise that can invite the reader into the world of the writer. In this case, the teacher would be invited into the mind of the student. Early in the marking period staying away from the structured essay could build a relaxed mood within the classroom. Eliminating spell-check, and Microsoft Word provokes the ability to bend the rules. The restraints can be fully abandoned in a free write.
            During a free write many instances could take place. A poem may begin. A short story could appear. Or pictures could be doodled and embedded within a description of a childhood memory. All of these instances would better represent the author compared to a forced essay. The doodles, and or short stories may show which content area they connect strongest with English. Eliminating the fear of a grade would raise the level of comfort.
            Truly, I am not discounting the structure of an essay. Being able to follow direction and format is a large part of fully mastering language and literacy. The ability to follow form is extremely beneficial for the academic life of the student. Poems, essays, and research papers embody well rounded education. I am only exploring a way to eliminate the distractions of the structured work early in a marking period. This may allow for the students to let go of modern technology and “loosen up” inside the classroom. His or her ideas can purge onto the page without worrying if the redline of spell-check is ready to derail the train of thought taking place.    

"History of Technology in English"

Introducing slateboard, the originator of the classroom discussion.
Image Link

Sunday, September 29, 2013

“Tablets within the English Classroom”

            Technology that is used outside the classroom recently allowed for me to have an eye-opening experience. As I was substituting in a High School a student had her Ipad on her. As she was engulfed into her screen I asked her kindly if this activity was appropriate for the classroom. She simply put that she needed her kindle application to finish her reading that was due. As I gazed at her screen I noticed she was reading “The Fault in our Stars”. This book had an over powering impact on my adult life in the last few years. This book made me ready for troubling instances, and conversations within the classroom. Before this post turns into a promotion of John Green, allow me to focus on this student. I took trust within her as a substitute to allow her to engage in possibly an outlawed device within her school. I read the handbook, and tablets were not on the list of objects not welcomed within the classroom. I was covering a “flex” period (study hall) and was just moved that she was taken the time to actually engage in her schoolwork.
            I literally took note of this in my notebook. Kindles, Ipads, and tablets are some of the newest forms of technology. Though these devices are easily prone for distraction, they connect the students instantly with endless amounts of information. Particularly when it comes to literature. I later learned that Wi-Fi is turned off within most public schools in the area. This allows the students to only access what is originally saved, prior to class. As a future English educator tablets allow for literature to be one click away for the students. Some schools only have a limited amount of hard copies. Tablets offer many free versions of literature (especially canonical classics). In college alone I have downloaded close to one hundred texts on my Ipad. The tablet has been a way for me to stay relevant within my classroom discussions. The student I confronted also showed me how she had each book from her summer reading list on her tablet.
            Though distracting, a tablet can be tremendously beneficial, especially in an English classroom. When a student is reading he or she may have trouble with a certain word in a text. When the text is in hard copy form they may look over the word and move on never fully understanding what they have just read. More importantly, they just past on an opportunity to grow academically. A tablet allows for the word in question to be defined immediately with one tap of the screen.
            Also, I promote reading with a pen in hand. Even when reading for leisure I do so to better myself. I scribble, underline, and comment as each form of literature is read. Students are able to highlight as they read just as easy with a tablet. While they highlight they are able to make quick notes and later these notes are easily accessible. They can search their notes and compare them to the world of readers who to have highlighted in the same text. I do not want to see a classroom full of distracting tablets in front of each and every student. I do however, believe tablets can and will be immensely beneficial for my future learners of literature. I love carrying a book. I love the feeling of turning a page. Tablets are just a way to connect a more technological society to the world of academics.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Technology Autobiography"

       A smart phone, email, and my laptop have been the three most influential forms of communication technologies in my life. For better or worse each item has impacted my life. Each form listed has come with its own process. As I watched the video “Learning to Change, Changing to learn” I realized technology though often used as pleasure can be overlapped with the bettering of a person (especially communication technology).
            As a child of the nineties I have to rank my “Smart Phone” at the top of this list. As a communication technology it is capable to access all of the technologies I have mentioned in the previous statement. Having my email directly at my fingertips at all times is extremely beneficial. My smart phone is able to access each of these technologies and is fully compatible. My email is forwarded straight to my phone. My laptop backs up everything that is within the memory of my phone. The compatibility between my phone, and my laptop has created steps forward for my learning process. New information is streamed directly to the palm of my hand. Internet accessibility allows my academic life to travel with my every move. I can be contacted immediately for substitute teaching jobs. Websites, digital-books, and peers are always one click away with my smart phone. As with any technology my smart phone has had its downside towards my learning experience. Early before I respected the power the phone had to distract me from my academics, I allowed it to do just that.  I had to mature as a person to learn that each device had its appropriate time and place.           
            As an English major, writing has changed my life. Responding to text and writing for class has allowed me to move progressively towards my goal of becoming an educator. “Email”, in so many ways has made my writing substantially better. My writing is strengthened each day through email-based conversations with my professors. I have fully advanced most predominately through the use of email. My writing has grown through the comments and suggestions threaded in each email. Writing tips, and motivational blurbs have allowed me to grow academically. Email can be damaging towards learning as well. Emails may be lost. Computer crashes could result in files being forever whipped clean. Junk mail can overwhelm a folder and allow for emails of importance to never reach the recipient. For me, the positives of email outweigh the negatives. The benefits my writing has gained is immense. The writing I do is a process. My laptop is where I place my ideas.
            For many students a “laptop” embodies much of the importance towards his or her learning process, as shown in the video “Learning to Change, Changing to Learn”. I too have benefited from my laptop. Though similar to a cell phone, the laptop has generated distractions in the past for my learning experience. I now am able to separate these distractions when learning or creating is taking place. Each student in this video smiles as they talk about each different device. I feel the same when I gaze at my laptop. My personal, academic, and professional life is connected. The one student tells how video games allow him to work on problem solving within the classroom. He understands the importance to be able to draw connections between passions and expected work.
            Within the short Internet video one young lady addresses the fact that her phone allows her to take pictures for projects. I may not use my phone for this same purpose, but the accessibility I have with my phone in my hand allows me to draw a similar connection with this young lady. The young people in this video focus on the learning that stems from these advances in technology. When I gaze at my phone I think of email, which connects me to my laptop. The young people within this video find enlightenment in each of their selected objects. I too feel the ability these devices have over us. These students in the video seem to have figured out how to benefit from these advances sooner then I did in life. They allow these devices to define them. Early in my life I would have allowed my devices to distract myself from understanding myself academically. These young people allow for the definition to create a cross between academics, and pleasure. It is important for the viewer to understand that pleasure and learning should never be separated.